Have a Happy Moo Moo Year

Monday, September 29, 2008

Joke of the Day

I made Ham Bread for the children's Breakfast this morning. Very soon we realise that Shannon has disappeared and so has her piece of Ham. Do know what she've done in the absence? She tiptoe and open my drawer, took out a bottle of ointment and spread it on top of the ham. Than roll it nicely before passing it to Shanice. Shanice of course was very happy by her younger sister's sudden generousity. She accepted the ham and commented that Shannon is a good girl today. Meanwhile, Shannon stoodby and wait for her sister's response to the delicacy she'as created. Shanice took a bite and the ointment proves too hot for her, she started to cry . Little Shannon ran to my room and took out a handkerchief to wipe her sister's tears. So Mischevious right?