Have a Happy Moo Moo Year

Friday, September 12, 2008

Cool Evening

Cooling Evening, most suitable for taking a bunch of 3 kids for a walk at the park. We took some nice pictures before moving on. When we arrived at the playground we noticed that "our friends" the little children were not there so we went for a walk along the big drain. This is absolutely a nice spot for joggers and dog strollers which we saw many along the way. Finally we arrived at the other end. We discover another new playground there, not to say much the children invaded there and have fun wtth the premises. Sky's turning darker so we u-turn back to our origin spot. Back there at the other playground we saw "our friends" the children and their mum was there. They were about to leave but after some persuation their mum agreed to let them play for a while. As usual they waited for me to snap pix for them with a Big Cheese from everyone. I was more than happy to do it. My joy is seeing those pretty smiles on those little faces. After chatting with the mum, I come to realise actually 3 of them are triplets. Hey, no wonder 3 of them are around the same height. We headed for home together at 7:45pm.

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The evening's walk begins from Here!

Shanice saw water ripples in the big drain, most probably cause by fishes

Miss Photogenic

A new species of Ixora I saw when I pass by this park, it's a smaller version of the usual ones

Climbing up the curve planks

Boop Boop, excuse me Shannon the Driver on the way

The 乌龟 ride
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As usual the kids wait for me to take a snap of them when all gathered down the slide

A Big Cheese from Shanice the Leader

I named this Video (背影)