Have a Happy Moo Moo Year

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Traffic Jam @ The PlayGround

The children finish their dinner fast and as a reward I bring them down the neighbourhood to play a round of see-saw. We met these group of 5 kids from 2 families and our kids just enjoy and play together. See, they created the biggest human-jam in clementi ave 2. They enjoyed it, the maids enjoyed it and me too! Haahaa! We shared a packet of pokey together on our way back. Nice spot, my children are already asking me to bring them back to the same place to play with their new friends already.

Phew! So tired after a number of slides

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Big Jam down at Clementi Ave 2

The Jam is not getting any better

Those rushing for time can divert to PIE towards Changi area
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