Have a Happy Moo Moo Year

Friday, February 8, 2008


祝大家鼠年来宝 有鼠不尽的青春 有鼠不完的抄票

Darrius, Renee & Rachael (Triplets)
Ah Zun & Wen Jie

Ci En
Ah Keong & Huai Zhi
Wen Xian
Shannon & 公公

Victor & Shanice
Me & Joyce
Me & Grandma
Joyce & Grandma
Big family photo
Joanne, Aunt Siewhua, Jasmine, Shannon, Geraldine & me!
Last station on Lunar 1st day was 姑姑's house.
Jace & Shannon likes to play with each other. They are just born few weeks apart. Jace looks just like Amy when she was little, and Shannon like me.


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