The exciting day
has arrived. It's Xavier's Primary One School Orientation @ Clementi Primary School. Both of us woke up at 7am and got ourselves ready for the orientation. We had a short breakfast and walk towards the school. A number of anxious parents have already arrived with their little 6 year olds. All gathered round the notice board to look for their child's name and number. Xavier's no. is 263. I got to know one parent whose youngest daughter would also be in Primary One next year. We waited at the Parent's corner for the School Hall to be ready at 0830am. Some children are already loosing their patience. In a while's time a teacher signal us all to follow him to the School Hall at Level 2. Our child than registered their name and number and was alocated to the various Classrooms from 1 - 9. Xavier happened to take Class One's tag. All the children were seated with their new friends whereas the parents were seated on the chairs just next to their child. Some children are already missing their mum & dad, some are already in
tears. Xavier
aquainted with his new friends very fast. They started chatting. The children queues and goes to their classes while the parents stayed back to listen to the talk. The talk includes the School Mission, School Fees System, Time Table, Health Care System, Teaching System and How the School works to teach the individual. There was also sharing from 2 parents from the Parent Support Group. We were encouraged to join the PSG as this way we'll understand better can help our child in their school growth. The Principle also inform us that School Starts on the 2nd Jan 09 @ 12pm, they have to bring their school text books and they'll be kept in the school for the student. After the one hour talk the parents are lead to the classrooms to fill up the forms.
On the other side, the students are given a 9 pages test paper to test their invidual ability before they are alocated to their classrooms which will only be revealed during the mid of December. After which we can fetch our child from their classroom to purchase their school uniforms and text books. Spend sometime trying out the uniforms as the vendor was very messy. Xavier also met his classmates from Genesis Childcare, a total 5 of them together with him in this school. Xavier was thrilled to see the familiar faces than. After purchasing his uniform we went in the Dental Clinic to have a look. The pretty nurse there praise
Xavier for being so brave. Towards the end I bought some assessment books for Xavier after he showed so much interest in it. We
took a bus back home together.

Xavier's first time in his Primary School
Xavier's first time in his Primary School
The Class 1 pupils seated together waiting for the rest of the pupils to join them
Principle speaking to the parents in the School Hall
The students in Class One waiting for their parents to come and fetch them
Clementi Primary PE Attire
Clementi Primary School Uniform
Xavier having a brief check on his teeth at the Dental Clinic in the School. He was very brave to sit onto the Dental Chair as many didn't have the courage to it.
A picture taken with the pretty Dental Nurse who praises him for his bravery and encouraged him to brush his teeth twice daily.
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