Have a Happy Moo Moo Year

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Registration for P1 @ Clementi Primary School

I was unusually nervous today, woke up at 5 plus because today is the registration exercise for primary one. Patrick & I discussed and decided to apply for entry at Clementi Primary School. Pat drove me to the school and I reach there at 7am. I took queue number 5. Registration starts at 7:50, we had to bring along both parents' IC, child's immunisation record and child's BC. Completed my registration by 8:10. Phew! At last I can sleep well tonight.

Clementi Primary School

Little Garden

Word from our Prime Minister, Mr Goh Chok Tong

Our Challenge

Singapore is a Multi Racial Country

History of Singapore

Fun in Maths

Education is a Gold Mine that never run out of Gold

There are actually so many ways to praise your child so start praising them today

Notice Board

Art Work from the Students in the School

Art Gallery
