Have a Happy Moo Moo Year

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The HandiWork of God

I believe in the brook as it wanders From hillside into glade; I believe in the breeze as it whispers When evening's shadows fade.
I believe in the roar of the river As it dashes from high cascade; I believe in the cry of the tempest 'Mid the thunder's cannonade.
I believe in the light of shining stars; I believe in the sun and the moon. I believe in the flash of lightning; I believe in the night bird's croon.
I believe in the faith of the flowers, I believe in the rock and sod; For in all of these appeareth clear The handiwork of
Inspirational Words of Wisdom for Reflection: "God doesn't look at how much we do, but with how much love we do it." Mother Teresa
"He who is filled with love is filled with God himself." Saint Augustine
"To us also, through every star, through every blade of grass, is not God made visible if we will open our minds and our eyes." Thomas Carlyle
"Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven." R. Tagore